The new look topped the old in consumer purchase preference 77% to 23%, so there’s a good chance the brand will be awash in sales gains thanks to this redesign.
Following consumer research and inspired by efforts to reach modern-day outdoor adventurers, the refresh includes new packaging showcasing the great-taste guarantee, two new flavors, a more informative website, and the brand’s first marketing effort in decades.
With April 20 approaching, we look at how cannabis producers can partner with local printers to create high-quality packaging that adheres to local laws and regulations while also establishing brand identity and increasing brand recognition.
On store shelves nationwide throughout April, the packaging design features illustrations of people (and pets!) enjoying nature and highlights Nasoya's organic tofu products.
The U.S. Farmed seal will first appear on Anheuser-Busch's Busch Light this May, and Budweiser, Bud Light and Michelob ULTRA have also obtained U.S. Farmed certification.