Rotibag's innovative features include an integrated handle, making it ideal for hot grab-and-go items like rotisserie chicken and other prepared foods, while its fog-resistant packaging ensures product visibility.
Facility will expand the company’s packaging product manufacturing footprint into the United States, including its role as the primary packaging supplier for Pennsylvania-based poultry company Bell & Evans.
The PowerPak 1000 has been specially developed as an entry-level machine for the thermoforming segment and offers advanced functions previously reserved for machines in the higher performance range.
In the vast meat and seafood sector, packaging practices and innovations require continuous attention. Strict hygiene and quality standards impact all aspects of the packaging process. Recent developments in the industry have focused on ease-of-use, versatility, and sustainability.
SeaWell™ active packaging utilizes food contact-safe absorbent materials embedded into its proprietary Drip-Lock™ technology to trap excess fluids inside patented pockets or wells.
Part of the company’s GeoPack range of sustainability-minded products, the protein tray has been officially designated as biodegradable in industrial compost settings.
The VELTEKO WASHDOWN-360 vertical packaging machine can be used in operations with more stringent hygiene requirements as well as anywhere that liquids need to be packaged.