The average U.S. household contains 25 consumer electronics products and spends $1,200 annually on them. Here's our look at some of the most interesting packaging concepts in the category.
Brands are struggling for ways to manage costs. But instead of creative methods, many have been reducing product contents and, frequently, retooling packaging so the tactic goes under shoppers' radar.
The world’s attention seems to focus on Cannes in the South of France
each spring, at film festival time. But the phenomenal buzz of the
renowned International Film Festival is not confined to the latest
movies and its stars. The stars of the global creative industry also
gather here as the city plays host to the annual Cannes Lions
International Advertising Festival.
Cookie wrappers that have been “upcycled”, or refashioned into a useful product, were the focus of a promotion at Target from September to December 2008.
More than nine out of 10 Americans report they have seen the recycled
symbol on products they purchase, according to a Consumer Choice Survey
by Frost & Sullivan.