10 Tips For Maximizing Your Package Redesign Dollars Investigate your options for package printing and production. You can achieve striking results while controlling your costs. By Mark Weisz Contrary
'Snappy' Plastic Cereal Carton draws inspiration from 'lego' blocks by Rob Croft Several major brands have made radical material changes to their packaging in order to leapfrog the competition.
Just Being Kids: Packaging Ideas For The 'Busy Backlash' By KEN MILLER AND JIM WARNER Much has been written about the over-scheduling of kids' lives. For kids from 6
Shelf Strategy Saves Time In Soup While soup is a "staple" category, consumers find that few categories in the store are harder to shop. Research from retailwire.com says the
Special Visual Effects Portray Brand Identity Lenticular and holographic images on packaging move beyond 'eye candy' for consumers to convey the brand's special values. Special effects on packaging grab
'Value-Added' emerges in another light in the dairy caseUmpqua Dairy's opaque-white plastic jugs protect milk's taste, quality from oxidation. Umpqua Dairy Products Co., Roseburg, Ore., joins the ranks of