A homeless charity in the UK filed a complaint with Portman Group, an alliance of alcohol producers that promotes sensible drinking and responsible alcohol marketing, saying that oversized 500mL cans
European Burger King stores are displaying paper tray liners featuring a VegCity ad campaign that has been raising eyebrows this summer. The liners depict a series of irreverent illustrations, including
Brands like Kraft, Evian and Stonyfield Farm and retailers like CVS and Petco are signing on with RecycleBank, a recycling facilitator that awards points to households based on the weight
Give Your Brain a Buzz. For those who have grown weary of mere sports drinks, Brain Toniq touts itself as the “world’s first cognitive enhancement drink”. Packaged in a paperboard
A more contemporary ready-to-drink tea bottle helps Lipton make a better connection with consumers and, in some countries, meet them for the first time.
Only when the brand team understands how customers are segmented, determines which segment to target and intimately understands that targeted segment can it connect with the right consumers and deliver long term.
Established in 1971, the Crock-Pot® brand introduced consumers to the concept of slow cooking. But as anyone who has since retired her avocado-hued slow cooker can tell you, a lot has changed since the brand’s inception.