We recently sat down with Sarah Williams, Co-CEO of Beardwood&Co., to discuss their collaboration with Pure Protein on a packaging redesign. The redesign won Beardwood&Co. a 2024 Designalytics Effectiveness Award.

In this interview, Williams explains what the award win means for her company, ways in which the protein bar space has changed over the years, how the redesigned package retains links to the previous design, and principles from the project she feels can be applied to other design efforts.

Williams noted Pure Protein’s standing as one of the original protein brands.

“They’ve had a loyal following since the 1990s, and even though they were one of the establishers of the protein category, it’s been really interesting to see how the category has grown and proliferated,” Williams said.

So when it came time for the brand redesign, questions included, “How do we pay homage and be really respectful of the brand as an originator in this category … but then how do we make sure we’re also bringing people along in this refreshed look and feel?”

You can check out the Video Interview above.