Product Details
Beloved and Dominant: The Brand Ecosystem that drives better-for-you brands from one of many to category prominence is a tactical marketing guide to use your brand as a competitive differentiator to move from one-of-many to category prominence. Each chapter dives into strategies and tactics to move your marketing from mere execution-based thinking to brand ecosystem thinking. Each chapter included tactics to demonstrate the strategy in action, evidenced by case studies and ends with a series of questions designed to force introspection – that will help you discover how to take you, your marketing, and your brand to category prominence. The first chapters form a strong educational platform that shows you how important it is to inspire both followers and newcomers to your brand by moving your communication beyond mere features and benefits by using your brand’s educational platform to create stark raving fans. Once people are educated the next step is to navigate the everchanging landscape of public relations and public opinion. The strategies here move beyond getting respected, influential people to talk about your brands and products. Your brand needs to become unmistakably transparent and reliable, but benefits, value, and appeal aren’t enough. The next chapter discusses the importance of sharing your message in a way that broadcasts your brand’s bat signal to your tribe. People need to adore not just your product but what it stands for. Next, you need to be found. Packaging plays a big part beyond its Instagram-ability as it is often the first and only salesperson your product has. There is a science to standing out on the shelf and delivering the right information to make a consumer pick it up. Next comes your website. Gone are the days of website-as-brochure. Understanding why people visit your website is key to establishing the right mix of product information, brand ethos, and education about your products (and don’t forget your online shopping experience). Direct to consumer is not your mother’s direct mail. Today’s better-for-you audience has a strong opinion about the right way and the wrong way to connect with them directly. Social, today’s alleged cheap and easy marketing fix-it-all, becomes the master sword when everything else in the ecosystem has been considered. Once all these parts are in place you can communicate with your audience and enroll them at every turn. The conclusion covers how you can tap an engaged market through email. The beloved and dominant brand ecosystem will teach better-for-you consumers to crave your brand with their mind, body, and soul. Paperback 142 pages. Contains simple charts.