We asked shoppers to share their feelings about closures on food and beverage packages. Based on their answers, we’ve grouped them into four types: Appreciators, Ping-Pongs, Avoiders and Questioners.
Numbers that connect with consumers are suddenly appearing on the front panel of dozens of food labels. They come on the heels of the 100-Calorie packs of cookies and snacks that have been flying off the shelves. Information that connects with consumers boldly and is placed on the front of the package can pay enormous dividends. Branded products that don’t have anything useful to say up front may start feeling and being left behind.
The meat industry is facing widespread challenges. People are being
advised to eat less of it for health reasons. Plus safety questions
about antibiotics, hormones, e-coli and now cloning have consumers a
bit on edge.
Going green is turning
into a growth industry. Both consumers and suppliers are talking about it.
Expectations are changing. Being kinder and gentler to our planet has
become part of who, and what, many of us want to be. Buying green products or using green packages helps to satisfy the
“virtue quota,” the amount of goodness people need to
contribute to the world to feel like good people.
Cutting back on bottled
water is becoming a way to do your part to save the planet. Even though the category was created by packaging technology
and marketing, bottled water is an integral part of consumer lifestyles.