There is a gap between how well zippers can work and the way that many zippers actually do work as consumers struggle to open and close them. In the consumer
When did dairy products lose their connections with cows and become synonymous with convenience and processed foods? What happened to fresh milk, fresh cream, peaches-and-cream complexions, fresh butter, buttermilk and
Consider the packaging materials, shapes, flavors and benefits offered by today’s non-alcoholic beverages. (Four materials) X (10 shapes) X (20+ flavors) X (20+ benefits) = at least 16,000 options in convenience stores alone.
It’s nearly impossible to attach a universal meaning to any single word or phrase because words mean different things on different labels and to different people. This is a time of opportunity, though, to capture shoppers’ attention and trust, as more of them are trying to spend less and have more meals at home.