British papermaker James Cropper is set to take a bite of the food packaging industry by unveiling its first ever food contact-approved range of papers at this year’s Luxe Pack exhibition in Monaco.
CPG manufacturers and packagers must find a way to satisfy consumer expectations while ensuring their packaging will protect the product throughout the supply chain.
New packaging formats, sizes and designs, as well as product offerings, are disrupting grocery stores everywhere, leaving behind the popular foods of just 10 years ago.
In response to growing demand for more sustainable, case-ready packaging for fresh red meat and poultry, Sealed Air recently expanded its line of Cryovac® Darfresh vacuum-packaging technologies as part of a strategic alliance using Harpak-ULMA’s Mondini Trave® tray-sealing technology.
A new study by Trucost finds the environmental cost of using plastics in consumer goods and packaging is nearly four times less than with alternative materials.