The key to anti-counterfeiting is to prevent false goods from entering the legitimate supply chain. The good news is that you can protect your brand. Starting with your raw materials suppliers, through manufacturing, packaging and onto distribution intermediaries, you can track and trace goods safely right to the customer.What’s the key to fortifying the legitimate supply chain to protect it from unauthorized goods entering your normal channels of trade? I believe it's a combination of these three strategies.
Green tech company rPlanet Earth will make about 75 million pounds per year of two product types from 100 percent recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET): forms for beverage containers and food packaging.
Nalbach Engineering has introduced a new Modified Atmosphere Packaging System (MAPS) for the food and beverage industry, the Nalbach SLX (Shelf Life eXtension) System.
Spartan Parts, a new subsidiary of Fogg Filler Company, is specifically designed to look for ways to improve the efficiencies of an organizations liquid and food packaging needs.
World Packaging Organisation has launched the third edition of its Lifetime Achievement in Packaging Award, as part of the WorldStar Award. The aim is to acknowledge and reward excellence in all aspects of packaging science, technology, design and application around the world.
Allied Electronics & Automation is celebrating its 90th anniversary this month. The company was originally founded in Chicago, Illinois, as the radio distribution arm of Columbia Radio.