The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) illustrates why brand owners need to more effectively communicate the environmental benefits of flexible packaging to consumers.
AWA Alexander Watson Associates launched its International Sleeve Label Awards just five years ago to reward quality and originality in the design, production and end-use of all types of sleeve labels.
It is obvious that the packaging world is taking sustainability in packaging — as well as operations — seriously. The numerous brands, retailers, suppliers and packaging companies that continue to change practices as well as offer lighter, recycled or reusable materials attest to it. But is it enough?
Though functional safety technology prevents damage to machinery and limits downtime, its core job is to protect people. To achieve this, modern packaging operations require many networked safety devices on the plant floor. The most effective and efficient way to operate these devices is through integrated safety solutions.
There are several ways you can develop top-quality liquid packaging that complements the rest of your marketing efforts. Here we’ll review the different ways you can meet the needs of your target audience through effective and efficient packaging.
The market experienced record growth in 2018, with $3.827 billion in shipments, up 8 percent over 2017. According to the Motion Control & Motor Association, part of the Association for Advancing Automation (A3), shipments were up 3 percent in the last quarter of the year, at $946 million.
In February, the packaging world collectively turned its head toward the announcement of LOOP, a revolutionary and potentially disruptive paradigm shift in the way major brands provide high-quality packaging while simultaneously putting recycling and waste reduction front and center.