As the excitement around the opportunity presented by AI continues to grow, Lou Zhang, chief data scientist at MachineMetrics, offers his perspective on where AI lands within the Analytics Journey and its relationship to technologies such as machine monitoring and data collection.
New blow-molding equipment and custom bottle designs boost sales 24% in one year.
October 24, 2019
Tropical Trade & Industries N.V., a manufacturer of food and pharmaceutical products based in Paramaribo, Suriname, was in need of in-house packaging capabilities to support its business plan to grow its presence in the Caribbean. The company turned to PACK EXPO Las Vegas in search of a solution.
Ellen Ochoa, the first female Hispanic astronaut, was the keynote speaker at the Packaging & Processing Women’s Leadership Network breakfast at PACK EXPO Las Vegas.
Colors are everywhere. They can affect our perceptions and the way we react to the world around us. Our brains respond to specific colors differently, and this can influence our mood, behavior and decision-making.
ISO standards are internationally recognized specifications for products, services and systems geared to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. In this article, we look at which ISO standards are relevant for packaging companies, and what the benefits are of holding ISO accreditations.
The best packaging creates an unforgettable experience that encourages the customer to come back purchase after purchase. It creates a sense of loyalty between your company and the consumer. The perfect way to create an unforgettable experience? Multi-sensory packaging.
While brands fight to stay relevant in this age of rapidly increasing environmental awareness, a whole host of regulations and targets are driving change in almost every type of business.
Triumph and disaster can occur with the introduction of a new product or a line extension of an existing product, and they can happen during the redesign of a legacy brand. Every problem — and by extension, every resolution — has its own unique set of circumstances. And time is of the essence. Here are a few universal thoughts to consider.