In 1978, Bill Huggins and Bill Mann founded Pretzels Inc. Based in Bluffton, Indiana, the company manufactures and distributes traditional, peanut butter-filled, flavored, seasonal and gluten-free pretzels, as well as extruded snack products, to leading grocers as well as private and national brands.
Two packaging industry trends are causing headaches for automated case packing OEMs and their customers. OEMs must advance their design strategies to keep the cost of automation affordable so customers continue to receive optimum ROI.
It’s no secret that e-commerce is growing. The e-commerce channel itself grew 16% in 2018. With the surge of online shopping outlets, brands have opportunities to reach consumers like never before.
This past spring Major League Baseball (MLB) changed its famous logo of the iconic silhouetted batter. The ubiquitous logo was originally designed by Jerry Dior in the late 1960s and has remained largely untouched.
Packaging Strategies spoke with Dow market manager Chris Gandy and associate marketing director Heather Turner about Dow’s Design for Recyclability platform and the evolution of recyclable pouches designed to fit the circular economy.
Most of these innovations, from gable-topped milk cartons to a plant-based Coca-Cola bottle, drive consumer demand for sustainable packaging. A McKinsey & Co. study suggests the trend will continue even as the packaging sector is disrupted by five trends
Trends are funny. Some trends seem to quickly grab the attention of the public, only to fizzle out after the launch of the next trend. In retail, this is most notable with the latest kids’ toy — as soon as the holidays have passed so has the hype.
In the competitive retail space it is imperative for brands to stay on top of evolving trends and consumer behavior. Thanks to technology, businesses have access to greater freedom and flexibility, enabling them to optimize packaging for a better customer experience.
J&J Snack Foods is an innovative national leader in the snack food and frozen beverage industries. To protect product quality, J&J Snack Foods turned to Mettler Toledo Safeline and installed three X-ray systems — one X33 model, and an unusual two-lane X36 model in 2018.