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In this episode with Chirag Sheth, Global Business Unit Manager at Videojet, we discuss coding and marking options for cannabis packaging. We delve into some of the unique coding and marking needs of the cannabis industry, and Chirag touches on best practices for cannabis manufacturers when selecting coding equipment.
In this episode with Sarah Webber, Sustainable Packaging Engineer at Plastic Ingenuity, we discuss ways to support sustainability in snack food packaging. Sarah points out that recyclability is just one component of a package’s sustainability profile. We also discuss how packaging design and packaging materials can contribute to sustainability in several ways, such as by reducing food waste.
In this episode with Carl Kanner, vice president at Smith Corona, we discuss challenges facing the paper industry and what those challenges mean for packaging companies when it comes to choosing materials. We also discuss opportunities for the sector in the labeling and packaging space.
In this episode with Sherry Washburn, Business Unit Manager at Videojet, we discuss how a company’s choice of inks and printing technologies can play a big role in achieving sustainability goals. We also discuss ways for companies to ensure compliance with existing and new environmental regulations.
Mono-web coatings offer many benefits to enhance packaging and enable sustainability. Sun Chemical’s Rick Stokes joins us to discuss the latest developments of mono-web coatings for packaging.
Many printers are exploring ways to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs by switching from mercury lamps to LED curing lamps, but making the switch can come with many questions and misconceptions about LED.
In this episode with David Murgio, Chief Sustainability Officer at Ranpak, we discuss the relationship between packaging efficiency and sustainability, as well as how to improve ESG metrics, especially during the paper-sourcing process.