The new bottles will feature a larger logo on the label that displays a vibrant orange bolt across the surface, helping the product stand out in crowded supermarkets.
Propel Fitness Water, a PepsiCo brand made with Gatorade electrolytes, has announced that it will start 2023 with a major brand redesign and a bold new look.
Despite the explosive growth of the 'water enhancer' category (grew by 31% to $410 million in trailing 52 weeks, according to IRi) there has been a noticeable lack of innovation compared to powdered mixes and ready-to-drink beverages. DreamPak is betting that its liquid technology can quickly change that.
Eklo Water, based in Rio de Janeiro, has partnered with Crown Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A. (Crown Brazil), a subsidiary of Crown Holdings, Inc. to introduce the first flavored water to be packed in aluminum beverage cans to the Brazilian market.
Weight Watchers wanted their new product – the market’s first all-natural water enhancer – to truly stand out in the $1 billion water flavoring category.