The process of the mechanical recycling of polystyrene is taking place in multiple steps from sorting (deep NIR sorting including object recognition), across hot washing and flake sorting, to melt filtration and pelletizing.
With commercial readiness expected just in time for Dairy Month (June), the facility can process up to 1 million pounds of local milk per day into shelf-stable and ESL milk and other liquid dairy products, many of which will be packaged in Tetra Pak® cartons.
From improving food safety to reducing employee turnover, from launching new products to embracing sustainable packaging, dairy processors are expected to grow in several ways this year.
Fast-growing distillery with unique spirits made from milk deploys Pleora’s new Visual Inspection System to add AI-based decision-support for labeling and quality control.
The fight is still on — agriculture and dairy industries vs. plant-based food and beverage companies over the terms “burger,” “milk,” “cheese” and others.
A report by Allied Market Research, forecast that the global organic dairy market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.25% from 2016 to 2022 to reach $36,729 million by 2022.
Consumers across Sweden can buy Arla Food’s Eko brand organic milk in Tetra Rex Bio-based, the world’s first carton package made entirely from renewable materials.