Spirits packaging stands for equality
Branding lessons from Absolut’s lew #LoveIsLove beverage packaging

Successful companies know customers purchase products they can connect with and feel good about buying. Whether it’s the business’s ethical practices, ingredients, spokespeople, or quality, many shoppers are loyal to brands they trust and believe in. Food and beverage manufacturers are paying closer attention to the personal beliefs of their customers and are adjusting their products and practices to stay aligned with that people truly want.
The marketing landscape has changed, and consumers are paying less and less attention to traditional advertising and sales pitches. They’re making their own buying decisions and are choosing companies that communicate a brand message they can identify with. A smart way for businesses to tell their story and speak to customers is through retail packaging. It serves as a billboard for your product that people can see up close and touch. Everything from the colors to designs and functionality of your packaging must reflect your brand promise and the quality of the product inside.
Absolut is one company absolutely getting it right with the debut of its limited edition rainbow beverage packaging. With the United States Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the legality of same-sex marriage, many brands are showing their support through #LoveIsLove social media campaigns and content. Absolut released its Absolut Colours beverage packaging to show its support for the LGBT community. Retail packaging is the perfect way for any brand to communicate that it cares about its customers and is supportive of their lives and wellbeing.
Many companies are turning to flexible retail packaging to help tell their stories. Stand up pouches and barrier bags lend well to creative designs, and their structural material really allows colors to pop. Brands supportive of their LGBT customers can release special versions of their food and beverage packaging with these kinds of pouches and bags, as they act as the perfect canvas for communicating the company’s mission and beliefs.
When shoppers scan the shelves and notice the rainbow colors they associate with solidarity and love, they’ll be more inclined to pick it up and feel good about the company they are purchasing from. Absolut’s bottle design is great, but its shape can be restricting for even more detailed branding. Stand up pouches and bags offer flat surfaces that can advertise your company’s true colors from front to back. Flexible retail packaging is also smaller and lighter than glass bottles, so more products can fit on the shelves. It’s the perfect way to display your brand promise, commitment to customers, and introduce new, limited-edition products to consumers. For more, go to: www.standuppouches.net/blog