UNCONTAINED: Candy maker hits some sour notes
Cadbury was in the news this week for a couple of quirky packaging-related items across the pond. More...
Cadbury was in the news this week for a couple of quirky packaging-related items across the pond.
It changed its time-honored label slogan, “glass and a half of full cream milk in every half-pound,” to the more accurate but somehow less inspiring “The equivalent of 426 ml of fresh liquid milk in every 227 g of milk chocolate.”
I’m all for specificity, but sometimes it can go too far. Remember (I’m dating myself here) how Quaker Puffed Wheat cereal was “shot from guns”? I just don’t think “processed through extruders” would have had the same impact.
Cadbury also found itself in a bind when it tried to do the right thing ecologically by changing the packaging for its Roses wrapped chocolates from a round metal tin to a paperboard canister. They tried out the change in Tesco stores last year and the paperboard flopped, so it’s back to the tin.
A couple of comments on the Daily Mail’s website pointed out that the tins made excellent storage containers or cake pans. And doesn’t reuse trump recycling?