In commercial printing, ink is one of the main consumables that can be managed to potentially reduce costs. All commercial printing managers are looking for ways to control this cost.
Product packaging’s sole purpose originally was to protect the product inside. Over the years, packaging has also doubled as a marketing tool — packaging design now plays a vital role in consumers buying decisions.
Some of the most innovative and successful small-batch purveyors in the gourmet food industry have soared in popularity by following this winning formula: Great product in the right packaging.
Global Pouch Forum, the longest-running flexible packaging conference, has the reputation of being the best event for flexible packaging, the fastest-growing packaging segment.
A lot of people seem to chase speed in their vertical form-fill-seal machine, and that’s fine. The cycle speed is an important feature to evaluate. But speed is just one factor in determining a machine’s overall effectiveness in snack food packaging applications.
I’m sure you’ve heard but in case you missed it: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the necessary decision to make Converters Expo and Global Pouch Forum 100% virtual.
With shops around the world wondering how to serve customers during the COVID-19 crisis, Breadblok, an organic bakery in Santa Monica, California, has worked with London design studio Charlie Smith Design to rapidly launch a new website following a revamped visual identity and packaging design.