The development and gradual commercialization of NFC-enabled (Near Field Communication) products show how companies such as Thin Film Electronics (Thinfilm) are pushing the integration of electronic intelligence into everyday products, like packaging labels.
The constantly changing consumer demand of the flexible packaging market is the driving force behind the enhancement of its supply chain – particularly, the labeling sector.
With over 45,000 attendees and nearly 3,000 exhibitors expected to flood Chicago’s McCormick Place on Nov. 2-5, many people in the packaging industry might consider Pack Expo 2014 to be a pretty big deal in itself.
Frank Passarelli, Bobst product manager of printing, coating and laminating, offers his take on how laminating contributes to the flexible packaging film process.
Many of us shudder at the thought of adversity. It has the ability to take us out of our comfort zones, and forces us to try and figure out what our next move is going to be.
Apurva Shah, North America market manager for food and specialty packaging at Dow Performance Packaging, offers his knowledge of the latest developments in raw materials, feedstock and resins.