One of the sticking points about the use of “organic,” “natural,” “fat-free” and similar terms on food packaging has been determining their effectiveness. More...
“This package is sold by weight, not volume.” That phrase on cereal boxes used to mystify and intrigue me when I was a kid just learning to read. Its meaning seemed just out of reach, like I imagine the phrase “Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear” would be to little kids today.
I always wash out my recyclables. This is mostly because I put them in an open bin in my kitchen, which I don’t want reeking of sour beer and mayonnaise residue. But I also liked to think that I was making the job of some recycling-center worker an iota less miserable...
Ever get a fax or an e-mail by mistake? You know you shouldn’t read it, but you just can’t help it sometimes-it’s like lingering too long on a reality show while you’re channel surfing.
Visiting researcher Sanghyup Jeong loads samples of lettuce into a prototype X-ray device at Michigan State. As food-safety scandals continue to mount and government leaders debate how to monitor the