A new study from Transparency Market Research says that the rising need for environmentally friendly packaging means stand-up pouches are projected to be in high demand.
Jan Eisby, CSO at surface treatment pioneer Vetaphone A/S, discusses with Packaging Strategies the effect of time on a substrate’s retained dyne level and how it ultimately determines the self-life of a product.
Featuring three different screw technologies, AVENTICS Series SPRA rod-style electric actuators offer unmatched versatility that can better meet exacting application requirements.
AR, NFC, QR codes and image recognition provide unique opportunity to engage consumers, tell a story and create a better brand experience for customers. But once consumers’ attention is caught, then what? How can you utilize it? Here are six examples of successful connected packaging.
AR, NFC, QR codes and image recognition, provide unique opportunity to engage consumers, tell a story, and create a better brand experience for customers. But once consumers’ attention is caught, then what? How can you utilize it? Here are six examples of successful connected packaging.