At the All4Pack 2016 tradeshow this week, Adents and Microsoft present insights into of Adents Prodigi, a new Cloud platform that combines Adents’ expertise in unit-level identification and traceability software with Microsoft’s expertise in Business Intelligence.
At Vision 2016 and PACK EXPO International, Matrox Imaging showcased the latest Matrox Design Assistant vision software, working with the recently launched Matrox Iris GTR smart camera.
Inever and its exclusive sales and support partner in the U.S., Matrix Packaging Machinery, powered by Pro Mach, showcase three innovative stickpack machines at Pack Expo.
The name BillerudKorsnäs may not roll off the tongue, but this global Swedish packaging company intends to elevate U.S. sustainability to new levels by challenging conventional packaging.
Beckhoff Automation will showcase system-integrated solutions for IoT and Industrie 4.0, with advanced IoT hardware, combining to demonstrate practical implementation of cloud-connected Smart Factory concepts.