recycle:me offers partners a truly collaborative approach to tackling the beauty industry’s waste problem, which sees an estimated 120 million units of packaging thrown away each year.
Material innovation startup Sway launches its compostable seaweed-based polybags in collaboration with leading sustainable brands, taking a giant step toward eliminating plastic in fashion packaging.
The plastic and PFAS-free coating will be manufactured at scale at the 2M Group of Companies facility in Milton Keynes and supplied under its new business venture, Sustainable Packaging Technologies.
Following in the footsteps of Drogenbos, Belgium, and Bopfingen, Germany, this is the adhesive manufacturer’s third European site to obtain ISCC PLUS certification for its polyurethane production.
The pouch, which took home the prize in the Packaging Innovation category, is entirely compostable, made from a home compostable flexible laminate and an industrially compostable CO2 valve.
ClariPPil™ bottles offer enhanced sustainability (reduced carbon footprint and improved recyclability versus a PET container solution) together with excellent functionality, product protection, and aesthetics.