As part of an overall packaging sustainability initiative, KFC has started serving side dishes in reusable packaging. KFC recently introduced what it touts as the first reusable fast-food packaging with
Only 52% of used beverage
cans (UBC) in North America are recycled. Leading aluminum producer Alcoa
wants to raise that to 75% by 2015, because recycled aluminum requires 95%
less energy to produce and can be recycled many times with no degradation.
Seven in 10 consumers said they’d be willing to pay up to 20% more for
environmentally friendly products, and only one in 10 said they were unwilling
to pay anything extra, according to a survey by Mambo Sprouts Marketing.
Consumer desires and supply chain requirements drive meat and poultry package development.
Consumers expect a lot from meat and poultry packaging. Their wish list includes a diverse set of attributes, including sustainability, convenience, freshness indicators and on-label nutritional data.
Sustainability is steadily gaining the attention of American consumers
as media coverage of resource conservation increases, and concern
deepens on environmental issues.
We’re living in a consumer economy. Yet we recognize that a one-way product life cycle is not sustainable. You can reuse a bottle as a flower vase but, at the rate people consume our product (and I have no interest in telling them to consume less), there are only so many flower vases that you need.