Understanding the typical pros and cons of batch versus continuous and aseptic sterilization of low-acid shelf-stable food and beverage products helps organizations make an informed purchasing decision.
Short’s Brewery in Northern Michigan was established in 2002 by Joe Short. Short had gained significant brewing experience at other Michigan breweries and realized that his style of brewing was best suited to his own business model.
To find out what’s in store for cannabis packaging by 2025, I delved into the subject with a group of packaging experts. Why 2025 you ask? It’s the year many brands such as Nestlé, Aldi and even Pepsi are targeting for their packaging to be 100% recyclable or reusable, so it’ll be a milestone year for packaging.
New hand-brewed alcoholic kombucha brand Brewhaha launches with category-defining brand and packaging identity by drinks design specialist Denomination.
Investors should pay close attention to the potential for store brands to create new winners and losers in retail and CPG, advised Todd Maute, a partner at brand strategy and design agency CBX, during a recent analyst conference organized by Stifel Financial Corp.
From fragmented thinking, to out of date infrastructures and poor processes, there is a long list of reasons why supply chains can become unsustainable. But, according to a luxury packaging provider, digitalized data is set to transform the industry in a big way.
Poor packaging leads to lost sales and revenue. And, it’s no mystery why. As awesome as your product might be, it’s the packaging that does the selling. So, don’t let poor packaging undermine your sales.
Having partnered with specialty food brands for nearly two decades, I've learned more than a few things along the way. Specializing in only food CPG brands has allowed me to finely hone in on best practices that can transform packaging into a workhorse to sell itself, be it on the shelf or online.
MA2020 is now calling for entries in label design, structure and material design, product design and brand full case design. Entry submission ends January 17, 2020. Seize the last period to enter!