
Dairy Foods aligns with Food Safety Summit as media partner

January 8, 2013

Dairy Foods is pleased to announce its new role as the exclusive dairy publication serving as a media partner for the annual Food Safety Summit.

The Food Safety Summit is the leading forum on food safety and food security, with the world's top authorities examining the most up-to-date innovations in the industry. "This is a great opportunity for Dairy Foods to extend and further demonstrate our commitment to food safety, something that's always top-of-mind for dairy processors," says Publisher, Tom Imbordino. "We are planning an aggressive print, online, and social media campaign designed to elevate the awareness of this premiere event and help drive participation. It's important that we support exhibitors and sponsors by further educating the dairy community about this key show."

BNP's Events Director, Scott Wolters, says, "The Dairy Foods brand has unmatched reach across this important food processing segment. We are thrilled to have them as an official partner, helping us spread the word to dairy professionals. Dairy has always been on the forefront of sanitary/food safety standards and this partnership will help support dairies with these initiatives."

The Food Safety Summit will be held Mar. 30 – May 2, 2013, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, MD.