Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart’s expertise in paper and coating technologies, along with its printing/coater assets, complements ProAmpac’s material science expertise and wide range of capabilities on sustainable fiber-based packaging.
Together with Gundlach Packaging Group and Koehler Paper, Madura Tea has found the ideal packaging paper for its products in the form of “Koehler NexPlus® Seal Pure MOB 72 gsm.”
The DS Smith North America Packaging and Paper (NAPP) plant is producing and donating 5,000 boxes to CORA for packaging and delivering food donations to families over the summer.
The investment – totaling 33.9 million euros – is focused on equipment upgrades, including purchasing state-of-the art machinery for innovative packaging solutions and capacity enhancements.
Papercycle’s automated online tool identifies whether fiber-based packaging materials can be recycled in the UK and which type of recycling mills can reprocess them.