From fiber-based packaging to labels with adhesive-free zones to prevent contact with product, companies continue to develop innovative ways to protect and package produce.
Packaging printers are continually in search of productive processes that use less labor to meet the needs of their customers. The hands-on methods required by package printing press operators in the past have become troublesome in this growing business environment.
Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are here to help revitalize the consumer-packaged goods (CPG) industry and help humans move their operations into the next phase of factory automation.
Whether talking about a humble smart valve that can collect critical equipment data or a fully automated shop, the flexibility and scalability of automation make it possible for CPG firms of any size to benefit from the technology.
Few companies have been immune to the turbulence of global disruptions and business evolution over the decades. Back in 1964, the expected lifetime of the typical S&P corporation was 33 years1, but by 2016 it had dropped to 24 years. Looking ahead to 2027, the projection for longevity is just 12 years.
The OpX Leadership Network is a community of manufacturing, engineering and operations professionals dedicated to driving operational excellence, which is to understand customer needs, empower the people to deliver those needs, and optimize processes around those needs.
In packaging plants across the world, compressed air systems create significant energy waste. Pinhole leaks in air lines, sticky valves and other inefficiencies cost huge consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufactures and small contract packagers alike substantial amounts of money. These also hinder corporate green efforts for responsible energy usage. A key opportunity to solve compressed air issues and boost overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is by thoughtfully implementing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) strategies with scalable PC-based automation technologies.