The flexible packaging market is a vast and a mature sector in terms of various stake holders such as processors, packaging manufacturers, raw material suppliers, and end-user industries.
Packaging companies and their manufacturers need to introduce smaller and lighter packs to meet Thailand’s changing needs.
June 4, 2014
The demand for smaller packs will manifest in the market with packs at a maximum size of 250 milliliter, growing at an annual rate of 5.2% between 2013 and 2016.
Consumers have “no regrets” dropping national food, beverage and household brand names from their shopping lists; Nine in 10 consumers stick to store brands
May 8, 2014
U.S. consumers are pushing their shopping carts past many of America’s national brands and feel little regret in doing so.
Nearly 70 material recovery facilities responded to identify factors affecting acceptance of foodservice packaging
April 2, 2014
A recent benchmarking survey commissioned by the Foodservice Packaging Institute finds widespread but varied acceptance of foodservice packaging by material recovery facilities.
Protective packaging demand in the US is projected to increase 4.5% per year to $6.4 billion in 2018, an improvement from the 2008-2013 performance based on a strengthening of the economy, including recoveries in the manufacturing and construction segments, which were hit hard during the 2007-2009 recession.
The recycling of rigid plastics excluding bottles rose to nearly 1.02 billion pounds in 2012, an increase of 10% over 2011 and triple the amount recycled in 2007 when the industry first began tracking rigid plastics recycling.