Grocery shopping is a necessary activity for most people and the process in which people are going about it has changed dramatically over the years. Fads have emerged from clipping coupons to online shopping and even monthly food delivery subscriptions. One thing shoppers all seem to agree on is grocery shopping with the intent of saving money and buying quality food for less.
According to Market Force study, milk, cheese and chips are most prevalent private label purchases
June 20, 2014
More shoppers are purchasing private label (store brand) products this year compared to last year, according to a recent study of more than 6,200 consumers by Market Force Information
Awards recognize design excellence for Safeway SELECT® Brand
May 21, 2014
Anthem, a global creative agency that actively connects brands with consumers by amplifying desirability from package design to brand campaign to drive brand performance, announces that it has been honored with five packaging design awards.
Private label dairy outsells other types of products
August 21, 2013
Nearly all consumers buy private label products when grocery shopping, according to a new study of 6,600 consumers conducted by Market Force Information, a worldwide leader in customer intelligence solutions. and Google are expanding into the world of online grocery shopping with convience purchasing and delivery options. How can brick and mortar stores stay relevant and emphasize the benefits and pleasure of shopping in person in this ever changing grocery marketplace?
In recent years, private label has increasingly gained ground in the marketplace with the majority of U.S. shoppers (86%) purchasing some type of store brand regularly . Store brands now account for one out of five items sold in US supermarkets, drug chains and mass merchandisers . In particular, product categories like salty snacks, soda, cookies and paper goods are gaining ground on their national brand counterparts. The trade-off is that the price/value point is no longer enough of a differentiator and private label brands must step up their game in an effort to meet rising shopper expectations. Addressing this progression partly means understanding shopper preference, but it’s also important to remember that consumer curiosity (and brand loyalty) is sparked through creatively designed brand packaging that leads to shelf interaction.