Garden of Life, the carbon-neutral leader in science-based formulas made from clean, traceable, organic and non-GMO ingredients, is introducing new beet supplements to its collection to promote anti-aging, liver function and heart health.

The new supplements aim to fill a hole in many Americans' diets, as new research from Garden of Life reveals 47 percent of U.S. adults haven't eaten a beet in the last year, and that's due largely to not liking the taste or texture of beets. The new supplements are designed to taste great yet still provide an easy way to reap the full benefits of beets.

The Benefits of Beets

Beets are known to help the body deliver oxygen and carry nutrients to the cells more efficiently and studies show athletes who drink beetroot juice have been able to improve their performance. But beets have several other lesser-known benefits, including having been clinically studied and used to improve energy and stamina, support healthy aging, promote detoxification, support heart and lung health, and lower blood pressure.

However, only 30 percent of Americans have eaten beets in the last month, with 43 percent of Americans who avoid beets citing they don't like the taste or texture and 21 percent unsure of how to prepare beets. And according to the research, nearly all Americans can't correctly identify the health benefits they miss out on by not including beets in their diet.

"Garden of Life's mission has always been to empower extraordinary health and it was clear to us that not enough people were tapping into the extraordinary health benefits of beets," said Brian Ray, President of Garden of Life. "These new beet supplements are full of wholesome, organic ingredients that most Americans are missing out on every day and they're available in formats that make getting in your daily dose of beets even easier." 

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Garden of Life Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 1,000 nationally representative adults ages 18 and over between Jan. 26-30, 2022, using an email invitation and an online survey. The data has been weighted to accurately represent the U.S. adult population 18 years and older.