In Russia, the dairy market represents more than 22% of FMCG food products in Russia. The competition requires that brands stand out in the dairy case. Russian-based Bryansk Dairy Plant partnered with Depot Branding Agency to come up with a new design for milk that created impact and brand recognition for its Milgrad dairy products. 

From the point of view of positioning, it was decided to go in the direction of kindness, and sweetness. Milgrad is the first brand of dairy products that brings happiness, so a large illustration that evokes an emotional response was adopted for revision.
Milgrad is tasty and fresh milk, and milk is often associated with cats. The blue cat travels through the package. He looks at the consumer with interest, plays with a string, looks out or freezes in anticipation. The illustration moves from one side of the package to the other, creating additional shelf display options. Although the concept was inspired by Brunhilde, the cat of the agency’s art director and author of the concept, Vera Zvereva, all cat owners can recognize the habits of their pet in the illustrations.


Creative Agency: Depot Branding Agency

Origin: Russia

Services provided: Positioning development & Package design

Client: Bryansk Dairy Plant

Product: Milgrad milk

Date of completion: August 2020