DERPROSA SANDY ORIGINAL is an innovative haptic matte film that evokes a feelings of roughness to the touch, providing a perfect contrast with the already widely acclaimed SOFT TOUCH. Both products produce a unique and unmistakable feeling, inciting consumers to make purchases or choose a product to the detriment of any other non-laminated or traditionally-finished product. Many Neuromarketing studies have demonstrated the direct and positive connection between the choice of new film textures and the income statement of brands requiring films such as SANDY or SOFT TOUCH in packaging lamination processes.
DERPROSA SANDY ORIGINAL is applied just as any other conventional lamination film used in the graphic arts and may be used in any project seeking to achieve a matt finish and an impressive feeling to the touch. Currently, to achieve a similar quality, one has to resort to serigraphic varnishes, which are far from providing the same level of homogeneity and consistency.
DERPROSA SANDY ORIGINAL will be showcased at the three editions of
LuxePack, the world's landmark event in the premium and luxury packaging industry.