For its 4th consecutive year, LUXE PACK NEW YORK honored the best eco-friendly product and business initiative submitted by this year’s exhibitors. Green packaging products & solutions were widespread at the show this year, attracting record breaking number of entrants enthusiastic to gain recognition for their eco-friendly products and sustainable CSR initiatives. 

After a thorough review of all submissions, the prestigious judging panel consisting of packaging industry experts awarded this year’s LUXE PACK in green awards to Scheufelen for its paperboard for Promobox “Dein Kräutergarten,” “Your herb garden”; and James Cropper for its “solar array installation plan.” John Morgan, Global Senior Scientist, Open Innovation, AMWAY and one of this year’s judges said,” This year’s in green submissions where very impressive. They clearly demonstrated that sustainability has become an important priority in the manufacturing sector of the luxury packaging industry. It was quite apparent that both of the winners took sustainability very seriously and dedicated a lot of time, effort, and resources toward developing meaningful programs that have an overarching impact not only on the products they produce but also their employees and communities. Once again congratulations to the winners!” 

Scheufelen’s Promobox “Dein Kräutergarten” is an innovative laminated board with grass content in a fiber composition. It is produced from 2 substrates manufactured by Papierfabrik Scheufelen.  Scheufelen is aiming to offer a more sustainable solution for a new generation of innovative packaging products, permitting premium printing and folding capability typical for high end SBS boards, while dramatically reducing the total carbon footprint of the overall product. This solution permits brand owners to demonstrate their ecological awareness, without sacrificing their premium brand appearance.

James Cropper’s winning internal initiative is the installation of a 250KW Solar PV Array on the roof of their Burneside mills that helps generate clean, green electricity in a way that doesn’t compromise the special ecology or superb landscape of Burneside or that of Cumbria in the UK. James Cropper PLC has provided roof space for the installation and signed a power purchase agreement to buy all electricity generated by the array over a 20 year period. The project brings environmental and social benefits to the community of Burneside and will provide around £50,000 for community projects over 20 years of the scheme. Susan Wilson, global packaging director at James Cropper, said: “We’ve been loyal exhibitors at Luxe Pack for many years now and are absolutely thrilled to have picked up the in green Award in New York for a project that is very close to our hearts. Sustainability credentials are becoming increasingly important to end consumers, meaning more and more brands and suppliers are investing in environmentally conscious initiatives. At James Cropper, we’ve always strived to innovate in this arena and to be recognized within the packaging industry for this commitment means a great deal indeed.”

Another game player in this year’s award ceremony was Pujolasos wood & pack. In addition to celebrating 50 years in packaging, the company designed and manufactured the 2017 trophies in true LUXE PACK New York spirit. The design inspired by the New York city-scape was produced of all natural organic materials comparable to the packaging raw materials they offer. Isabel Pujolasos, CEO, of Pujolasos wood & pack was in attendance and shared the details of the strategically thought out design during the award ceremony.

LUXE PACK continues their objective to stay dedicated to this significant mission by not only providing the perfect platform for those seeking industry suppliers who are just as eco focused and who can facilitate bringing eco-friendly packaging concepts to life but also celebrating those who go beyond to truly “turn the dial” and make a difference.

Additional 2017 LUXE PACK NEW YORK in green nominees:

Best in green product

  • Billerudkorsnas – “Right Weighting”
  • Nate Packaging – “Glasslike Bottle Lip Gloss Package"
  • Velox – “Mass Production Direct to Shape Digital Decoration”
  • Verescence – “Infinite Glass”

Best in green initiative

  • Seidel – “Carus LED Bulbs"
  • Verescence – “CSR Initiative”

The 2017 LUXE PACK in green judging panel:

  • Jamie MATUSOW, Editor-in-Chief, Beauty Packaging Magazine
  • John MORGAN, Global Senior Research Scientist, Discovery Open Innovations, AMWAY
  • Doug HUFFMYER, Vice President, Creative Director, ELIZABETH ARDEN, INC.
  • James NERI, Vice President of Global Package Development, ESTEE LAUDER
  • Jennifer LACY SMITH, Vice President, Packaging ORIBE HAIRCARE
  • Daniele DOCHE, Global Senior Packaging Development Manager Americas, BACARDI