Distributed in beauty salons, Carita Diamand de Beauté range is distinguished by ultra selective products. After creating the jar for Carita's Diamant de beauté midnight cream, Axilone Plastic has renewed its collaboration with the brand, this time for the 30ml serum canister.

For this new serum evoking the virtues of the diamond, Carita wanted that the packaging dazzle with a thousand lights and reproduce the depth and transparency of the glass as if it were the real stone.

Axilone based its work on how to produce such effects, on the choice of materials as well as on the industrial process of the four pieces: the diamond, the cap, the insert and the collar.

Axilone managed to mold the diamond with no visible injection point. It opted for transparency and depth of Surlyn, for the diamond and cap, completely assembled, without guide or keyed. To succeed in this combination of two pieces of a soft material, Axilone played on interference between parts.

The diamond was produced using a mold with two cavities. The cap includes a tinted PP insert; an inner rod can click on the throat of the collar. The collar is made of galvanized bronze white ABS.