Boutique design agency ButterflyCannon has rejuvenated the packaging for a variant of Oriflame’s spa treatments range, designed for consumers who want to indulge in an authentic Swedish spa experience at home. The new packaging is designed to successfully increase the premium feel of the products while retaining the Swedish heritage. 

Swedish cloudberry and sage are the key natural ingredients, and these play a pivotal role on the pack design. The intricate hand drawn illustrations flow across the packs, creating a sense of movement. Foiling has been used to embellish the illustrations, adding a further element of luxury.

“We are very pleased with the packaging created for this Swedish Spa Limited Edition collection," says Alernest Nunez Bengtsson, senior brand manager, Oriflame Personal & Hair Care. "Working with ButterflyCannon was a pleasure, and the initial feedback from the markets has been very positive.”