Baxter of California, an American company that produces men’s grooming products, has re-introduced Bravado. Making its original debut in the early 1970s, the cologne has been retired for more than seven years now. This year, however, the company pays homage to the original by launching BRAVADO 2 and BRAVADO 3 fragrances. “The word bravado has an obvious masculine connotation,” says Jean-Pierre Mastey, president of Baxter of California. “It also has historical significance for the Baxter brand.” To appeal to its male consumers, the bottle features splatters, sprays and drips in foil application, instead of using ink or glue, like most traditional box packaging. BRAVADO 2 and BRAVADO 3 colognes are available exclusively at Barneys New York locations around the country and retail for $80 per 3.4oz bottle. (Package design: Marc Atlan Design, Inc.,www.marcatlan.com)