Theme 4: Emotional vs. Rational
Let’s face it: The movie “Pretty Woman” doesn’t work as a piece of rational storytelling and neither does every brand’s story. If you are looking for ways to break through the clutter of a crowded market or store shelf, consider whether your brand’s story works better telling a rational or an emotional story, then incorporate appropriate graphic and verbal elements into your packaging design. Allegro’s “Feel Like Zeus” tea is an excellent example of how to use emotional storytelling on a package to engage with consumers.

Anchoring your brand story
Balancing storytelling themes it is usually easier when you use a single, familiar element to anchor your brand story. By doing this readers can shortcut the story; that is, they can borrow on already-held beliefs or values to make the story even more relevant (Figure 2). Among potential storytelling anchors that can help to achieve balance are:

1. Place
Twinings of London overtly connects the brand with the British tradition of tea-drinking. Luzianne tea leverages the authenticity of Louisiana to make it the standout brand for ice tea, the “house wine” of the South.

2. Time or era
Harney & Sons is a brand of American premium teas founded about 25 years ago. Its Historic Royal Palaces line includes 2011’s Royal Wedding Blend.

3. Tradition or ritual
Republic of Teas shares the intricate steps needed to harvest its white teas. PG tips tea reminds us that it has been the traditional choice of the UK for decades. Mighty Leaf describes how slow-roasting yields the rich, nutty flavors of its organic green teas.

4. Person
Allegro Fine Teas calls upon the Greek god Zeus and all his implied power in its Feel Like Zeus wellness tea. Packaging for other tea brands features their founder or inventor.

5. Ingredient
Republic of Tea carefully and colorfully describes each key ingredient, be it rare white tea or African Rooibos.

6. Cause or values
Teatulia not only sources its tea from Bangladesh, the brand invests in the education, entrepreneurship, and health of the Bangladeshi people.

7. Journey
Celestial Seasoning tells the story of each ingredient’s source and the global journey it makes to produce its blends.

Storytelling through product packaging is one of the most organically powerful mechanisms to help a brand stand out from the myriad choices consumers have. Savvy companies that leverage that power across packaging and other consumer touchpoints can become the authors of their brands’ success.