Strongbow Blossom Rosé Sparkling Apple Cider, for Carlton & United Breweries (part of the AB InBev family), aims to bring growth and inject excitement back into the cider category. Drinks design agency Denomination ( developed an elegant and Instagram-worthy design to appeal to the drinkers who usually enjoy white wine, cocktails or sparkling wine, enticing them to choose Strongbow Blossom Rosé Sparkling Apple Cider as an alternative ‘starter’ drink.

The aesthetics of the design solution were paramount to the success of the product and establishing its position as a premium, covetable drink. Denomination focused on the product’s central ingredient, apples, to establish cider cues as the main feature. The hand-drawn illustration of the apple blossom branch curving around the front label alludes to the tree in the Strongbow logo and gives the product credibility and authenticity.

The chosen core color of dusty pink mirrors the liquid color and alludes to the light and not overly sweet taste of the drink. Pink hues were deliberately used to delve into the semiotics of rosé and sparkling wine, bringing cider out from the mainstream and into an upmarket and party-starting realm.

A classic Strongbow glass shape was used to ensure the product aligned to the core branding but was produced in a flint finish for added elegance. Gold lettering elevates the design into a premium market.

A six-pack cluster format was selected as ideal for socializing with friends. Denomination ensured synergy between the label and the cluster packaging to build recognition of the brand’s assets, reinforcing the pink color palette and apple blossom illustration.

Strongbow Blossom Rosé Sparkling Apple Cider is currently rolling out in retailers across Australia.