Cock’n Bull Ginger Beer – the original Moscow Mule mixer – has added the Rexam 24 oz. Cap Can with closure technology from Dayton Systems Group (DSG) to its packaging lineup. This move gives consumers an innovative, re-sealable option.

With the right amount of true ginger flavor for a smooth clean finish, this soft drink is caffeine free and made with real sugar. After almost 30 years of being sold exclusively in glass bottles, Cock’n Bull’s first foray into aluminum was the addition of the Rexam 12 oz. Sleek can®. The company said this helped to expand its reach and grow the brand. Now, it plans to take this product even further with a larger package size that offers re-sealability.

“This 24 oz. size gives us a great opportunity to increase our business as it allows us to get into venues beyond the norm for a soft drink or mixer,” says Tony J. Varni, president of Varni Brothers Corporation. “The Cap Can’s convenience and re-sealability are being very well received. Through our partnership with Rexam, we are providing a new packaging option that retailers and consumers are already enthusiastic about.”

Cock’n Bull chose the Rexam Cap Can for the many inherent benefits it delivers including portability and durability. This bottle is shatterproof and often allowed in many places where glass is not. It is lightweight to help reduce shipping costs and also features a unique re-sealable cap that can help keep the beverage fresh longer. And it offers the best in sustainability as it is 100 percent recyclable.

The Rexam Cap Can is made possible by combining Rexam’s 24 oz. can body with Cap Can closure technology. The aluminum can body is produced and printed on one of Rexam’s high-speed can manufacturing lines and then transformed into a re-sealable container by seaming on a Cap Can end and closure developed by DSG. Located in Miamisburg, Ohio, DSG developed this patented concept, including the forming process and equipment technology to manufacture the Cap Can closure assembly.

Claude Marbach, president, Rexam BCNA, commented on Cock’n Bull’s move into this innovative package. “Our Cap Can is a distinctive package that stands out on store shelves, helps maintain beverage integrity and provides superior recyclability,” he said. “With so many value-added benefits, it is an excellent choice to help this company get its beverage in front of more customers and ultimately strengthen its brand.”

Cock’n Bull Ginger Beer in Rexam Cap Cans is available at select retailers in California, with plans for continued expansion.