Rexam (, one of the leading global beverage can makers, has announced its support of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) to develop a global standard for aluminum sustainability.  Joining other large producers and consumers of aluminum, Rexam’s action is another example of its industry-leading commitment to sustainability.

Having an agreed sustainability standard will build credibility and confidence in aluminum as a sustainable material against a background where, increasingly, customers and consumers want to know more about the provenance of what they are buying. The standard will provide clearer oversight of where the aluminum comes from and the sustainability of the production and transformation process.

Rexam’s director of group sustainability, John Revess, says, “Aluminium is one of the most sustainable materials available, with 75% of aluminium ever produced still in use today. Its light weight, high barrier properties and infinite recyclability make it ideal for beverage cans. Creating a sustainability standard for aluminium will demonstrate how the industry is addressing material stewardship and ensuring an ethical supply chain.”