Migration of the controversial plastics additive bisphenol-A (BPA) from cans into food “is very low and poses no health or safety concerns to the general population,” according to a new report from Health Canada. The Canadian government agency tested a range of canned products from mainstream manufacturers, including fish, soup, vegetable and tomato-based products. The study found average BPA levels ranging from 1.1 parts per billion (ppb) in tomato paste to 137 ppb in canned tuna. This is in line with a previous study from the National Working Group for Safe Markets, a coalition of public health and environmental groups, which found an average of 77 ppb in canned foods. Although Health Canada’s report concluded that BPA is not a major health concern, the report also cautioned that the findings were “exploratory and should not be used to indicate the distribution of BPA in canned food products.”