ESS Technologies, Inc.’s (www.esstechnologies.com) new WA Series wrap around case packers use a servo driven loader to create a wrap around style case packing system. The modular design can be ordered in one of three base machine lengths, depending on the requirements of the application. A number of infeed options include bucket conveyors, magazines, and robotic systems that collate and load the product onto the case blank. This allows the WA Series to handle a wide variety of products, including bottles, jars, cartons and trays.
The system first picks a case blank from the high capacity case magazine and places it into the case transport. Secondary flaps are folded via servo device in preparation for loading. Products are collated into the required pack pattern before being pushed with a servo-controlled loading mechanism onto the case blank. The case is closed using a hot-melt glue system with servo movement on the traversing action. The Model WA 10 handles up to ten cases per minute, while the Model WA 30 can handle up to 30 cases per minute.