by Rick Lingle
Package inspection, whether done manually or automatically, has long been a critical part of production operations for food and beverages. That has never been more true than today with the ramifications related to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) of January 4, 2011, that directly impacts food packagers. “In the past, sensitivity of the inspection device was the biggest concern,” says Robert Rogers, senior advisor for food safety and regulation,Mettler Toledo(www.mt.com). “But due to new safety regulations and the implementation of the FSMA, there has been a shift towards compliance and documentation. Providing inspection systems that assist manufacturers in meeting these expectations is where much of the attention is focused today. Manufacturers are no longer simply installing inspection equipment; that equipment must now be a component of a complete foreign body prevention program. The inspection equipment must be properly installed, validated and continuously monitored – all with proper documentation and record keeping.”
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