At 10 a.m. do you wander into the kitchen or break room, or reach into your desk drawer for snack? Snacking has become nearly universal, as 94% of U.S. adults snack at least once a day, according to market researcher Mintel.

In its “Snack Motivations and Attitudes” survey conducted in April 2015, the firm published some surprising findings. While most of us snack, we are trying to limit sweet snacks like cookies and candy bars in favor of healthier ones—like nuts and fruits, supposedly.

Some other findings:

 --Millennials, who are big snackers, usually snack to satisfy a craving. But they are also likely to be emotional snackers: 27% snack because they are bored and 17% snack because they are stressed.

 --Baby Boomers are the demographic most likely to be concerned about calories in snacks. The predecessor generation is the least likely worry about natural ingredients or nutrients.

 --Sixty-percent of snackers wish there were more healthy options. Millennials especially are drawn to organic snacks and products with added nutrition, including protein and vitamins.

 --One third of snackers agree there are not enough conveniently packaged snacks, such as individual portions or resealable packages. This is even higher among households with children (42%). “This highlights a need for manufacturers to make these product formats available to consumers. However, manufacturers must strike a balance between convenience and affordability, knowing the importance many consumers, especially younger consumers, place on affordable snacks,” the report authors say.

 --Average snackers snack two to three times a day; “super snackers” more than five times.
 Many smaller packaged food companies are rushing to offer healthier snacks, such as Supereats Tomato & Basil Flavored Kale & Chia Chips. Big the big guys are getting the message too. Kellogg is now selling Special K Moments Caramel Pretzel Bliss Indulgent Snack Bites, that contain just 70 calories per serving.

Look for more products with addition nutrition, including protein and vitamins as food companies work to capitalize on the hunger for healthy snacks. Hmmm… I wonder how they will make M&Ms healthy.

Snacking has become nearly universal, as 94% of adults snack at least once daily. Half of adults snack two to three times per day. iGeneration/Millennials, those aged 18-36, are most likely to snack frequently and are snacking more this year compared to last year. iGeneration/Millennials are drawn to organic snacks and products with added nutrition, including protein and vitamins. Ultimately, affordability is more important to this generation, creating an opportunity for health-focused or organic brands to reach them with low-cost snacking options.