Partnerships are the key to gaining the expertise necessary to reap the benefits of new technologies, increasing efficiencies and decreasing machine downtime.
Tishwish, a global company that offers customizable mailers and accessories, develops 100% recyclable products made from recycled materials and printed with vegetable based inks.
As the last couple of years have shown, label printers and converters are experiencing a historic increase in demand for their services. While companies struggle with increased demand, many organizations invested in automated system solutions and one of them is Estrabols Imprimeur, a supplier of labels in France. After implementing the integrated solutions, the company is delivering standardized, high-quality labels and quicker turnaround.
A decade ago many analysts cited connected enterprise software — Internet of Things (IoT) — for converters and package printers as marketing hype and not worth the investment.
The traditional conference and event season is back, and the trend of the year continues: extensive company partnerships in the printing and packaging industry.
While many brand owners and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies are clamoring for more recycled plastic content, supply just isn’t there to meet demand in late 2021.
Electronics For Imaging, Inc., announced the new EFI Fiery FS500 Pro platform. Fiery FS500 Pro will reportedly help print providers meet the challenges of shorter runs, faster turnaround times, less experienced staff, increased security standards and the need to reduce cost.