In the May installment of Roundtable, we sit down with Scott Fuller- CMD Corp., Danford Anderson- Hudson-Sharp Machine Co., Sanjay Amin- Mamata Enterprises, Inc., James Russell- Modern Manufacturing, Raul Matos- Karlville Development, and Mike Greely- Totani America.
Contract converters can help their clients – converters and printers – control their overhead costs and speed time to market. They can also leverage their expertise in particular processes, so that their clients can better hone in on what they’re good at.
Aptar Food + Beverage’s flip-top for the Daisy Brand Squeeze-Flexible sour cream pouch is one of the more notable fitments integrated into flexible packaging.
It’s an odd-numbered year, which means it’s an ICE USA year. The biennial trade show returns to Orlando, Florida’s Orange County Convention Center from April 25-27. The following week, about 2,000 miles west, FTA InfoFlex will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center May 1-2.
“If there’s something that we see as a market opportunity or a customer need, we look to develop that capability in house, so we have the control of quality, delivery and cost,” says Joe Imburgia, general manager of operations at Packaging Personified.
FKuR has developed new Bio-Flex blends for the production of low-gauge films designed to biodegrade completely in garden compost at low, variable temperatures.