
ICE USA 2015 Sets New Attendance Record
March 5, 2015
ICE USA 2015 goes on record as the busiest event in its six-year history.
Despite the well-publicized travel disruption caused by heavy snow in the north east, some 2,319 visitors from 42 states and 33 countries roamed the aisles at ICE USA 2015 in Orlando, Fla., Feb. 10-12, to see the latest equipment and technologies on display from more than 300 exhibiting companies.
This represents an increase of 12 percent over the 2013 event, reinforcing ICE USA's position as the largest converting-focused show in North America. Including exhibitors, 4708 converting professionals attended and networked at the show over the three days.
According to Bob Chiricosta, director North American Exhibitions, Mack Brooks Exhibitions, many of the attendees came ready to buy.
“We have been delighted that ICE USA once again attracted the most serious converting buyers in North America. Several exhibitors reported selling equipment on the show floor and many others are discussing specific projects with converters from across the States and around the world,” says Chiricosta.
One such company was New Era Converting that pre-sold three large pieces of equipment and discussed several other major projects during the three-day event.
“We have sold major pieces of equipment at the first two ICE USAs and we expect to do the same as a result of our on-site meetings this year,” says Bob Pasquale, president.
Several other exhibitors displayed “Sold” signs on their equipment and reported scheduling more appointments than at any previous converting show. ICE USA welcomed 87 new exhibitors participating for the first time this year and many of the returning exhibiting companies took larger space to showcase more running equipment.
According to Shalane Choate, chief operating officer with Mid South Roller; “As a first-time exhibitor we felt ICE USA could be a good show. We far exceeded our expectations. In fact, the number of leads we received on day one would have been enough for a three-day show. We have already reserved our booth space for 2017.”
On the conference side, AIMCAL (Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators) reported a record turnout for the three-day educational seminars with more than 250 attendees. The pre-Show CEMA (Converting Equipment Manufacturers Associations) Coating & Drying Seminar attracted almost 100 additional attendees. The expanded Ask The Experts Pavilion was also a top attraction at the 2015 event.
“The exhibitor survey results show that exhibitors were overall delighted with the quality of attendees,” Chiricosta says. “The large number of operating machines on the show floor certainly attracted the key decision-makers and made for a must-visit event for them.”
ICE USA 2017 set for April in Orlando
The fourth biennial ICE USA will be held April 25-27, 2017, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.
Chiricosta says: “The end of April 2017 is a great time of the year for ICE USA. It means a much bigger gap with ICE Europe, and avoids some of the packaging and plastics shows which took place in the US this year. We expect a really strong show on this timeline and look forward to welcoming yet more attendees to Orlando in two years time for what has become the largest and busiest gathering of converting professionals in North America.”